Transcription services
Transcription for AI
Transcription is used to help train and validate algorithms depending on the type of solution being built. For example, speech recognition algorithms for voice assistants and customer service chatbots are trained using speech recordings and their corresponding transcriptions, whereas text that is transcribed from videos can be used to improve video captioning as well as search engine results.
While technologies currently exist to automate transcription, human involvement is still critical to ensure high accuracy and inclusivity, reduce bias, and manage complex use cases such as audio with high levels of background noise or audio in low-resource languages. To ensure high accuracy specific to their solutions when expanding into new markets, companies need fast access to large numbers of native speakers in their target languages.
LXT for transcription
With LXT, you can quickly build a reliable data pipeline and focus your resources on building innovative automated speech recognition (ASR) and speech-to-text solutions, voice assistants, chatbots, and more.
The combination of our platform, managed crowd, and quality methodologies delivers the
high-quality data you need so you can build more accurate AI solutions and accelerate your time to market. Every client engagement is customized to fit the needs of your specific use case. Our experience in over 145 countries and coverage for more than 1000 language locales means we can help you scale quickly to reach more customers with products that provide greater accuracy.
Our transcription
services include:
Speech transcription
Image transcription
Video transcription
Secure services
With the accelerating volumes of data created daily and the number of potential threats on the rise, security is an increasing area of concern for organizations across all industries. Our platform and processes are designed to ensure the security of your data.
To meet the most stringent security requirements, our facilities are ISO 27001 certified. We also offer supervised transcription within a secure facility to safeguard your data. We will work closely with you to design a secure solution that meets your needs.